Working Paper

Controlling Complexity in Spatial Modelling

Jean Paelinck
Munich\cesifo, 2000

CESifo Working Paper No. 362

The present complexity approach is based on two assumptions: A1: measurability of deviations of outcomes with respect to reference values; A2 : extension of A1 to multi-set analysis. Complexity is then defined in terms of multi-set deviation compared to single-set ones; an interpretation is given in terms of information costs; examples show the relevance of the interpretation. As a useful by-product the explicit solution of the quadratic part of the discrete logistic ? one of the examples ? is derived; a set of pij-numbers is introduced, and a workable method for generating them exposed. Extensions are considered, in particular controllability. A further application is then proposed, namely to hypergraph conflict analysis, in particular conflict resolution. Many decisional conflicts at the spatial level can be axiomatised in this form; it is shown how the use of particular structures ? in the mathematical sense of that word ? of the problem allows of reducing greatly the degree of complexity of the problem, and hence the difficulty of finding a solution.

Keywords: Chaos, complexity, conflict, dynamics, hypergraphs, information