Venice Summer Institute

The CESifo Venice Summer Institute, held annually in cooperation with Venice International University, focuses on themes of current interest in European and global economic policy.

The 2024 Summer Institute took place on the island of San Servolo from 24–29 June 2024 with six workshops taking place in all.







Venice Summer Institute 2024 Workshops

Unleashing Potential: Skill Shortages and Re-skilling the Workforce

24-25 June 2024
Organizers: Raffaella Sadun (HBS) and Monika Schnitzer (LMU Munich)

Weathering the Storm: The New Push for International Tax Reform and its Impacts on Inequality

24-25 June 2024

Keynote Speakers: Anne Brockmeyer (World Bank) and Ron Davies (University College Dublin)
Organizers: Annette Alstadsaeter (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), and Jakob Miethe (LMU)

Globalization and Innovation

26-27 June 2024

Keynote Speakers: Matilde Bombardini (University of California, Berkeley) and Andreas Moxnes (University of Oslo)  
Organizers: Anna Gumpert (University of Tübingen), Kalina Manova (UCL), and Claudia Steinwender (LMU Munich)

The Economics of Social Media

26-27 June 2024

Keynote Speakers: Julia Cagé (Sciences Po) and Ruben Enikolopov (ICREA-UPF and BES)
Organizers:  Annalí Casanueva Artís (ifo Institute), Anna Kerkhof (ifo Institute), and Milena Djourelova (Cornell University)

Funding Education; New Insights on Impacts, Contexts and Challenges

28-29 June 2024

Keynote Speakers: Susan Dynarski (Harvard University) and Peter Bergman (University of Texas at Austin)
Organizers: Barbara Biasi (Yale School of Management) and Katharina Werner (ifo Institute) 

Expectation Formation

28-29 June 2024

Keynote Speakers: Laura Veldkamp (Columbia University) and Johannes Stroebel (New York University)
Organizers: Theresa Kuchler (New York University) and Mirko Wiederholt (LMU Munich)

Deirdre Weber

Deirdre Weber

Conference Manager
Karin Fournier

Karin Fournier

Conference Organizer