About the CESifo Network


CESifo is a global, independent research network with members from across the world. Members are prominent economists with a broad spectrum of specialisms, each of whom brings years of experience and a high level of expertise to our research areas. Collectively, our mission is to advance international scientific knowledge exchange about economics and economic policy, to strengthen the cooperation between the ifo Institute and LMU Munich, and to maintain Munich as a vibrant hub of economic debate in Europe. CESifo is funded by the State of Bavaria.

History of CESifo

The founder of CESifo, Hans-Werner Sinn, wanted to formally unite guest researchers from the Center of Economic Studies (CES) in Munich, and the organization of conferences staged by these researchers, and the growing body of CES working papers. We have grown from 230 members to a global community of more than 2040 economists from 46 countries. In just over two decades, our members have published more than 10,894 papers and 80 books for the network. We have staged 818 events which have attracted nearly 41,144 people from the world of economics. 

Today, CESifo is one of the largest networks for economic research. It is registered as Münchner Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft – CESifo GmbH, a limited company. Owners are the ifo Institute and LMU Munich in equal parts. CESifo receives institutional funding from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

Our Team

The CESifo team are dedicated to staging quality events, both live and online. Each team member is highly trained and experienced, providing the level of expertise required by our network. 



Official Bodies

  • Executive Board
    • The Executive Board runs the Institute’s business and is responsible for strategic planning and research management. Its members are appointed by the Administrative Council, and contract renewal is allowed. The chairperson of the Executive Board is the president, who is appointed jointly by the ifo Institute and LMU Munich.

      Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, President of CESifo (and the ifo Institute) since April 2016. 

      Dr. Stephanie Dittmer, member of the Executive Board of CESifo (and the ifo Institute) since September 2017.

  • Scientific Advisory Council
    • The Scientific Advisory Council consists of internationally respected, independent academics and experts. It was established to provide independent, external quality control and to advise the Executive Board and the Administrative Council on the long-term planning of research and development as well as on future appointments of Executive Board members. The Scientific Advisory Council advises both the ifo Institute and CESifo. Scientific Advisory Council members are elected for four years and can be re-elected for one term only.

      The chairmen of the Scientific Advisory Council to date were: Prof. Dr. Anthony J. Venables CBE, University of Oxford UK (2016-2021), Prof. Robin Boadway Ph.D., Queen’s University London, Canada (2013 – 2016), Prof. Robert Haveman Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (2008 – 2013), Prof. Assaf Razin Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, Israel, and Cornell University, USA (2005 – 2008), and Prof. David Bradford Ph.D., Princeton University, USA (2000 – 2005).

      Prof. Dr. Abigail Payne (Chairperson)
      University of Melbourne, Australia

      Prof. Ran Abramitzky, Ph.D.
      Stanford University, USA

      Prof. Richard Blundell CBE FBA
      University College London, UK

      Prof. Dr. Alessandra Casarico
      Università Bocconi, Italy

      Prof. Beata Smarzynska Javorcik, Ph.D.
      University of Oxford, UK

      Prof. Dr. Matti Liski 
      Aalto University, Finland

      Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel 
      University of Münster, Germany

      Prof. Kimberley Scharf, Ph.D.
      University of Nottingham, UK

      Prof. Dr. Rolf Tschernig
      Universität Regensburg, Germany

      Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber
      Central European University, Austria

Job offer

CESifo (registered as: Münchener Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft - CESifo GmbH) links the ifo Institute and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, with the international research community. We are currently hiring a student assistant.

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