Working Paper

Property Taxes and Housing Allocation under Financial Constraints

Joshua Coven, Sebastian Golder, Arpit Gupta, Abdoulaye Ndiaye
CESifo, Munich, 2024

CESifo Working Paper No. 11203

Property taxes impact the housing distribution across generations. Low property taxes lead to concentrated ownership among elderly empty-nesters, limiting housing for financially constrained young families. Conversely, high property taxes act as a “forced mortgage,” reducing upfront downpayments and enabling greater homeownership among younger households. We show in an overlapping generations model that raising property taxes in low-tax California to match those in higher-tax Texas increases homeownership in California by 4.6% and among younger households by 7.4% in steady state. Asset taxes can reallocate housing to higher-valuation households in the presence of financial constraints, providing an independent rationale for property taxes.

Keywords: property taxes, housing affordability, housing inequality
JEL Classification: H710, R210, H240, J110