Working Paper

Immigration and Business Dynamics: Evidence from U.S. Firms

Parag Mahajan
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 9874

Prior literature on the economic impact of immigration has largely ignored changes to the composition of labor demand. In contrast, this paper uses a comprehensive collection of survey and administrative data to show that heterogeneous establishment entry and exit drive immigrant-induced job creation and a rightward shift of the productivity distribution in U.S. local industries. High-productivity establishments are more likely to enter and less likely to exit in high immigration environments, whereas low-productivity establishments are more likely to exit. These dynamics result in productivity growth. A general equilibrium model proposes a mechanism that ties immigrant workers to high-productivity firms and shows how accounting for changes to the employer distribution can yield substantially larger estimates of immigrant-generated economic surplus than canonical models of labor demand.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: immigration, business dynamics, productivity, firm heterogeneity
JEL Classification: J230, J610, L110, F220