Working Paper

Trends and Cycles in Macro Series: The Case of US Real GDP

Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis A. Gil-Alana
CESifo, Munich, 2017

CESifo Working Paper No. 6728

In this paper we propose a new modelling framework for the analysis of macro series that includes both stochastic trends and stochastic cycles in addition to deterministic terms such as linear and non-linear trends. We examine four US macro series, namely annual and quarterly real GDP and GDP per capita. The results indicate that the behaviour of US GDP can be captured accurately by a model incorporating both stochastic trends and stochastic cycles that allows for some degree of persistence in the data. Both appear to be mean-reverting, although the stochastic trend is nonstationary whilst the cyclical component is stationary, with cycles repeating themselves every 6 – 10 years.

CESifo Category
Empirical and Theoretical Methods
Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Growth
JEL Classification: C220, E320