Working Paper

Price Floors and Employer Preferences: Evidence from a Minimum Wage Experiment

John Horton
CESifo, Munich, 2017

CESifo Working Paper No. 6548

Minimum hourly wages were randomly imposed on firms posting job openings in an online labor market. A higher minimum wage raised the wages of hired workers substantially. However, there was some reduction in hiring and large reductions in hours-worked. Treated firms hired more productive workers, which can explain, in part, the reduction in hours-worked: with more productive workers, projects were completed in less time. At the conclusion of the experiment, the platform imposed a market-wide minimum wage. A difference-in-differences analysis shows that, in equilibrium, firms still substitute towards more productive workers, adversely affecting less productive workers.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Economics of Digitization
Keywords: minimum wages, field experiments, hiring
JEL Classification: J010, J080