Journal (Complete Issue)

CESifo Forum 2/2014 (Summer): Ireland's Recovery from Crisis

Ifo Institute, München, 2014

Focus: Ireland’s Recovery from Crisis: Ireland’s EU-IMF Programme: Delivering What It Said on the Tin (Honohan, Patrick) - Ireland's Recovery from Crisis (Fitzgerald, John) - International Financial Flows and the Irish Crisis (Lane, Philip R.) - Post-bailout Ireland as the Poster Child for Austerity (Kinsella, Stephen) – What Explains Ireland’s Fragile Recovery from the Crisis? The Politics of Comparative Institutional Advantage (Regan, Aidan)
Special: TTIP: A Transatlantic Bridge for Worldwide Gains (Cernat, Lucian / Sousa, Nuno) -
Spotlight: Recent Developments in Wind Power (Lippelt, Jana)
Trends: Statistics Update

Articles included

Patrick Honohan
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 03-07

John Fitzgerald
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 08-13

Philip R. Lane
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 14-19

Stephen Kinsella
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 20-25

Lucian Cernat, Nuno Sousa
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 32-36

Jana Lippelt
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 37-39

Ifo Institute, Munich, 2014
in: CESifo Forum 15 (2), 40