Journal (Complete Issue)

CESifo Forum 3/2011 (Autumn)

Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011

"Europe at a Crossroads: The Role of the State in a Globalised Economy": Introduction (Dieter Reiter, Martin Zeil, Jürgen Chrobog, Hans-Werner Sinn) - Panel 1: Keynote Address (Anders Borg); Competing Social Models in the Global Economy (Peter Birch Sorensen) - Panel 2: Keynote Address (Ursula von der Leyen); The Role of the State in Society - Government vs. Citizen Responsibility (Giuseppe Bertola) - Panel 3: Keynote Address (Rainer Brüderle); The Role of the State in Economy: Centralisation or Subsidiarity? (Jeffrey D. Sachs) - Trends: Statistics Updates

Articles included

Dieter Reiter
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 03-04

Martin Zeil
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 05-06

Jürgen Chrobog
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 07-08

Hans-Werner Sinn
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 09-17

Anders Borg
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 18-20

Peter Birch Sørensen
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 21-28

Ursula von der Leyen
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 29-31

Giuseppe Bertola
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 32-37

Rainer Brüderle
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 38-39

Jeffrey D. Sachs
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 40-43

Ifo Institute, Munich, 2011
in: CESifo Forum 12 (3), 44-46