Working Paper

Outsourcing Cost and Tax Progression under Nash Wage Bargaining with Flexible Outsourcing

Erkki Koskela
CESifo, Munich, 2010

CESifo Working Paper No. 3142

It is analyzed the impacts of outsourcing cost and wage tax progression under labor market imperfections with Nash wage bargaining and flexible outsourcing. With sufficiently strong (weak) labor market imperfection, lower outsourcing cost has a wage-moderating (wage-increasing) effect so that there is a negative (positive) effect on equilibrium unemployment. Higher tax progression, to keep the relative tax burden per worker constant, has a wage moderating and a positive effect on employment and negative effect on outsourcing.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: Nash wage bargaining, outsourcing, labor tax reform
JEL Classification: H220,J410,J510