Working Paper

Inflation Targeting by Debtor Central Banks in Emerging Market Economies

Axel Löffler, Gunther Schnabl, Franziska Schobert
CESifo, Munich, 2010

CESifo Working Paper No. 3138

Given buoyant capital inflows and managed exchange rates the majority of emerging market central banks have continued to accumulate massive foreign reserves. If left unsterilized, the liquidity expansion can threaten domestic macroeconomic stability. To contain domestic inflation these central banks absorb rather then provide liquidity in their regular monetary policy operations. Based on an augmented Barro-Gordon framework we show that inflation targeting within an environment of surplus liquidity is less efficient, because absorbing liquidity raises the costs of monetary policy operations. By implementing sterilization costs into the central bank’s objective function the inflation bias increases.

CESifo Category
Monetary Policy and International Finance
Keywords: inflation targeting, exchange rate targeting, sterilization, debtor central bank
JEL Classification: E520,E580