Working Paper

Monetary Policy, Vagabonding Liquidity and Bursting Bubbles in New and Emerging Markets – An Overinvestment View

Andreas Hoffmann, Gunther Schnabl
CESifo, Munich, 2007

CESifo Working Paper No. 2100

Credit booms have globally fuelled hikes in stock, raw material and real estate markets which have culminated in the recent US subprime market crisis. We explain the global asset market booms since the mid 1980s based on the overinvestment theories of Hayek, Wicksell and Schumpeter. We argue that ample liquidity supply originating in the large industrialized countries has contributed to overinvestment cycles in Japan, East Asia, the new markets in the industrial countries and many emerging market economies. Expansionary monetary policies in response to the burst of bubbles are argued to have contributed to vagabonding bubbles around the globe.

CESifo Category
Monetary Policy and International Finance
Keywords: bubbles, boom-bust cycles, Hayek, Wicksell, Schumpeter, emerging markets, capital flows, overinvestment theories
JEL Classification: B530,E320,E440,E520