Working Paper

Airport Noise Regulation, Airline Service Quality, and Social Welfare

Jan K. Brueckner, Raquel Girvin
CESifo, Munich, 2006

CESifo Working Paper No. 1820

This paper explores the impact of airport noise regulation on airline service quality and airfares. It also characterizes the socially optimal stringency of noise limits, taking both noise damage and the various costs borne by airlines and their passengers into account. The analysis also investigates the effect of noise taxes, as well as the optimal level of such taxes. Along with the companion paper by Girvin (2006a), this work represents the first complete theoretical investigation into the economics of airport noise regulation using a model where the interests of the key relevant stakeholders are captured.

CESifo Category
Industrial Organisation
Keywords: airport, airport noise, airport noise regulation, airline, airline service quality, noise taxes, transportation
JEL Classification: L000,L900,Q200