CESifo Working Papers

CESifo working papers are available worldwide through this website, SSRN, RePEc, and EconStor. All papers can be downloaded free of charge.

11197 hits:
Economic Impacts of Carbon Reduction Schemes: Some General
Equilibrium Estimates from a Simple Global Model
Economic Impacts of Carbon Reduction Schemes: Some General Equilibrium Estimates from a Simple Global Model
Working Paper
John Piggott, John Whalley
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 17

Privatization, Risk Taking and the Communist Firm
Privatization, Risk Taking and the Communist Firm
Working Paper
Hans-Werner Sinn, Dominique Demougin
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 16

Trade Unions, Wages and Structural Adjustment in the New German States
Trade Unions, Wages and Structural Adjustment in the New German States
Working Paper
Michael Burda, Michael Funke
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 15

Relative Standing Comparisons, Risk Taking and Safety Regulations
Relative Standing Comparisons, Risk Taking and Safety Regulations
Working Paper
Kai A. Konrad, Kjell Erik Lommerud
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 14

Efficiency and Consistency in Group Decisions
Efficiency and Consistency in Group Decisions
Working Paper
Tapan Biswas
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 13

Comprehensive Income Taxation, Investments in Human and Physical Capital, and Productivity
Comprehensive Income Taxation, Investments in Human and Physical Capital, and Productivity
Working Paper
Marc Nerlove, Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, Robert von Weizsäcker
CES, Munich, 1992
CES Working Paper No. 12

Arm's Length Pricing: Some Economic Perspectives
Arm's Length Pricing: Some Economic Perspectives
Working Paper
Charles H. Berry, David F. Bradford, James R. Jr. Hines
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 11

Relinking German Economics to the Main Stream: Heinrich von Stackelberg
Relinking German Economics to the Main Stream: Heinrich von Stackelberg
Working Paper
Jürg Niehans
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 10

Regulation of Environmental Quality under Asymmetric Information
Regulation of Environmental Quality under Asymmetric Information
Working Paper
Dominique Demougin, Gerhard Illing
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 9

Privatization in East Germany
Privatization in East Germany
Working Paper
Hans-Werner Sinn
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 8

Tax Policy in a Model of Leisure, Savings, and Asset Behaviour
Tax Policy in a Model of Leisure, Savings, and Asset Behaviour
Working Paper
Syed M. Ahsan
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 7

Human Capital Investment, Government and Endogenous Growth
Human Capital Investment, Government and Endogenous Growth
Working Paper
Peter Birch Sørensen
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 6

Careers in Ongoing Hierarchies
Careers in Ongoing Hierarchies
Working Paper
Dominique Demougin, Aloysius Siow
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 5

Optimal Regulatory Lag under Price Cap Regulation
Optimal Regulatory Lag under Price Cap Regulation
Working Paper
Mark Armstrong, Ray Rees
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 4

On Testing the Sustainability of Government Deficits in a Stochastic Environment
On Testing the Sustainability of Government Deficits in a Stochastic Environment
Working Paper
Henning Bohn
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 3

Income Redistribution and Migration
Income Redistribution and Migration
Working Paper
David E. Wildasin
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 2

Social Contract, Taxation and the Standing of Deadweight Loss
Social Contract, Taxation and the Standing of Deadweight Loss
Working Paper
Richard Musgrave
CES, Munich, 1991
CES Working Paper No. 1


Susanne Diongue-Wormslev

CESifo Working Paper Coordinator & Administrative Staff, Center for Economic Studies (CES)
+49 (0)89/2180-17845
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