CESifo Working Papers

CESifo working papers are available worldwide through this website, SSRN, RePEc, and EconStor. All papers can be downloaded free of charge.

11212 hits:
Reforming European Universities: Scope for an Evidence-Based Process
Reforming European Universities: Scope for an Evidence-Based Process
Working Paper
Reinhilde Veugelers, Frederick Van der Ploeg
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2298

Taxing Sin Goods and Subsidizing Health Care
Taxing Sin Goods and Subsidizing Health Care
Working Paper
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Darío Maldonado, Pierre Pestieau
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2297

Regional Origins of Employment Volatility: Evidence from German States
Regional Origins of Employment Volatility: Evidence from German States
Working Paper
Claudia M. Buch, Martin Schlotter
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2296

The Structure of the American Economy
The Structure of the American Economy
Working Paper
Eric O'N. Fisher, Kathryn G. Marshall
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2295

Unlocking the Value of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Unlocking the Value of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Working Paper
Steven Brakman, Gus Garita, Harry Garretsen, Charles van Marrewijk
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2294
Forecasting Random Walks Under Drift Instability
Forecasting Random Walks Under Drift Instability
Working Paper
M. Hashem Pesaran, Andreas Pick
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2293

Socially-Tolerable Discrimination
Socially-Tolerable Discrimination
Working Paper
J. Atsu Amegashie
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2292

The Value of a Statistical Life under Ambiguity Aversion
The Value of a Statistical Life under Ambiguity Aversion
Working Paper
Nicolas Treich
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2291

A Two-Country NATREX Model for the Euro/Dollar
A Two-Country NATREX Model for the Euro/Dollar
Working Paper
Marianna Belloc, Daniela Federici
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2290

Do Surveillance Cameras Affect Unruly Behavior? A Close Look at Grandstands
Do Surveillance Cameras Affect Unruly Behavior? A Close Look at Grandstands
Working Paper
Mikael Priks
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2289

Off-Shoring and Productivity Growth in the Italian Manufacturing Industries
Off-Shoring and Productivity Growth in the Italian Manufacturing Industries
Working Paper
Francesco Daveri, Cecilia Jona-Lasinio
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2288

Cost and Benefit of Apprenticeship Training – A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland
Cost and Benefit of Apprenticeship Training – A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland
Working Paper
Regina Dionisius, Samuel Muehlemann, Harald Pfeifer, Günter Walden, Felix Wenzelmann, Stefan C. Wolter
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2287

Lender of Last Resort and Bank Closure Policy
Lender of Last Resort and Bank Closure Policy
Working Paper
Xavier Freixas, Bruno Maria Parigi
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2286

Does Membership in International Organizations Increase Governments’ Credibility? Testing the Effects of Delegating Powers
Does Membership in International Organizations Increase Governments’ Credibility? Testing the Effects of Delegating Powers
Working Paper
Axel Dreher, Stefan Voigt
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2285

Institutions and Contract Enforcement
Institutions and Contract Enforcement
Working Paper
Armin Falk, David Huffman, W. Bentley MacLeod
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2284

Qualifying Religion: The Role of Plural Identities for Educational Production
Qualifying Religion: The Role of Plural Identities for Educational Production
Working Paper
Timo Boppart, Josef Falkinger, Volker Grossmann, Ulrich Woitek, Gabriela Wüthrich
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2283

Modeling International Trade Flows between CEEC and OECD Countries
Modeling International Trade Flows between CEEC and OECD Countries
Working Paper
Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Ana Maria Sova
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2282

A VECX Model of the Swiss Economy
A VECX Model of the Swiss Economy
Working Paper
Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche, M. Hashem Pesaran
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2281

The Political Economy of Regional Integration Projects at Borders where Rich and Poor Meet: The Role of Cross-Border Shopping and Community Sorting
The Political Economy of Regional Integration Projects at Borders where Rich and Poor Meet: The Role of Cross-Border Shopping and Community Sorting
Working Paper
Kristof Dascher, Alexander Haupt
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2280

Integrating with their Feet: Cross-Border Lending at the German-Austrian Border
Integrating with their Feet: Cross-Border Lending at the German-Austrian Border
Working Paper
Jarko Fidrmuc, Christa Hainz
CESifo, Munich, 2008
CESifo Working Paper No. 2279


Susanne Diongue-Wormslev

CESifo Working Paper Coordinator & Administrative Staff, Center for Economic Studies (CES)
+49 (0)89/2180-17845
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