CESifo Working Papers

CESifo working papers are available worldwide through this website, SSRN, RePEc, and EconStor. All papers can be downloaded free of charge.

11185 hits:
Uniform and Nonuniform Staggering of Wage Contracts
Uniform and Nonuniform Staggering of Wage Contracts
Working Paper
Leif Danziger
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3112

The Impact of Teacher Subject Knowledge on Student Achievement: Evidence from Within-Teacher Within-Student Variation
The Impact of Teacher Subject Knowledge on Student Achievement: Evidence from Within-Teacher Within-Student Variation
Working Paper
Johannes Metzler, Ludger Wößmann
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3111

Catching-up and Inflation in Europe: Balassa-Samuelson, Engel's Law and other Culprits
Catching-up and Inflation in Europe: Balassa-Samuelson, Engel's Law and other Culprits
Working Paper
Balazs Egert
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3110

Competition, Imitation, and R&D Productivity in a Growth Model with Sector-Specific Patent Protection
Competition, Imitation, and R&D Productivity in a Growth Model with Sector-Specific Patent Protection
Working Paper
Malte Mosel
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3109

Optimal Income Taxation with Tax Competition
Optimal Income Taxation with Tax Competition
Working Paper
Vilen Lipatov, Alfons J. Weichenrieder
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3108

Coordinated Tax-Tariff Reforms, Informality, and Welfare Distribution
Coordinated Tax-Tariff Reforms, Informality, and Welfare Distribution
Working Paper
Jenny Ligthart, Gerard C. van der Meijden
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3107

Long-Lasting Bank Relationships and Growth of Firms
Long-Lasting Bank Relationships and Growth of Firms
Working Paper
Alessandro Gambini, Alberto Zazzaro
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3106

The Effect of Compulsory Schooling on Health - Evidence from Biomarkers
The Effect of Compulsory Schooling on Health - Evidence from Biomarkers
Working Paper
Hendrik Jürges, Eberhard Kruk, Steffen Reinhold
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3105

The Effect of Education on Marital Status and Partner Characteristics: Evidence from the UK
The Effect of Education on Marital Status and Partner Characteristics: Evidence from the UK
Working Paper
Dan Anderberg, Yu Zhu
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3104

Competition and Relationship Lending: Friends or Foes?
Competition and Relationship Lending: Friends or Foes?
Working Paper
Andrea F. Presbitero, Alberto Zazzaro
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3103

Investor Protection and Foreign Stakeholders
Investor Protection and Foreign Stakeholders
Working Paper
Maela Giofré
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3102

Financial Dollarization and European Union Membership
Financial Dollarization and European Union Membership
Working Paper
Kyriakos C. Neanidis
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3101

Who do you Blame in Local Finance? An Analysis of Municipal Financing in Italy
Who do you Blame in Local Finance? An Analysis of Municipal Financing in Italy
Working Paper
Massimo Bordignon, Santino Piazza
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3100

Labor Markets and Capital Tax Competition
Labor Markets and Capital Tax Competition
Working Paper
Thomas Eichner, Thorsten Upmann
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3099

Whither Public Interest: The Case of Greece's Public Finances
Whither Public Interest: The Case of Greece's Public Finances
Working Paper
Thomas Moutos, Christos Tsitsikas
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3098

A Continuous Theory of Income Insurance
A Continuous Theory of Income Insurance
Working Paper
Assar Lindbeck, Mats Persson
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3097

Hotelling Competition with Multi-Purchasing: Time Magazine, Newsweek, or both?
Hotelling Competition with Multi-Purchasing: Time Magazine, Newsweek, or both?
Working Paper
Simon P. Anderson, Oystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3096

The Contribution of Pharmaceutical Innovation to Longevity Growth in Germany and France
The Contribution of Pharmaceutical Innovation to Longevity Growth in Germany and France
Working Paper
Frank Lichtenberg
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3095

Accidental Bequests: A Curse for the Rich and a Boon for the Poor
Accidental Bequests: A Curse for the Rich and a Boon for the Poor
Working Paper
Helmuth Cremer, Firouz Gahvari, Pierre Pestieau
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3094

A Unified Framework for Using Micro-Data to Compare Dynamic Wage and Price Setting Models
A Unified Framework for Using Micro-Data to Compare Dynamic Wage and Price Setting Models
Working Paper
Huw D. Dixon
CESifo, Munich, 2010
CESifo Working Paper No. 3093


Susanne Diongue-Wormslev

CESifo Working Paper Coordinator & Administrative Staff, Center for Economic Studies (CES)
+49 (0)89/2180-17845
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