CESifo Working Papers

CESifo working papers are available worldwide through this website, SSRN, RePEc, and EconStor. All papers can be downloaded free of charge.

11197 hits:
Tax Revenue Forecast Errors: Wrong Predictions of the Tax Base or the Elasticity?
Tax Revenue Forecast Errors: Wrong Predictions of the Tax Base or the Elasticity?
Working Paper
Marcell Göttert, Robert Lehmann
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9148
Are There No Wage Returns to Compulsory Schooling in Germany? A Reassessment
Are There No Wage Returns to Compulsory Schooling in Germany? A Reassessment
Working Paper
Kamila Cygan-Rehm
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9147
What Does Network Analysis Teach Us about International Environmental Cooperation?
What Does Network Analysis Teach Us about International Environmental Cooperation?
Working Paper
Stefano Carattini, Sam Fankhauser, Jianjian Gao, Caterina Gennaioli, Pietro Panzarasa
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9146
The Roots of Cooperation
The Roots of Cooperation
Working Paper
Zvonimir Basic, Parampreet Christopher Bindra, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Angelo Romano, Matthias Sutter, Claudia Zoller
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9145
Cracking under Pressure? Gender Role Attitudes toward Maternal Employment in Times of a Pandemic
Cracking under Pressure? Gender Role Attitudes toward Maternal Employment in Times of a Pandemic
Working Paper
Natalia Danzer, Mathias Huebener, Astrid Paper, C. Katharina Spiess, Nico A. Siegel, Gert G. Wagner
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9144
The Market for CEOs
The Market for CEOs
Working Paper
Peter Cziraki, Dirk Jenter
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9143
Monetary Policy, Sectoral Comovement and the Credit Channel
Monetary Policy, Sectoral Comovement and the Credit Channel
Working Paper
Federico Di Pace, Christoph Görtz
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9142
Collective Choice with Heterogeneous Time Preferences
Collective Choice with Heterogeneous Time Preferences
Working Paper
Mikhail Pakhnin
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9141
Technological Growth and Hours in the Long Run: Theory and Evidence
Technological Growth and Hours in the Long Run: Theory and Evidence
Working Paper
Magnus Reif, Mewael F. Tesfaselassie, Maik H. Wolters
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9140
Technological Sovereignty as Ability, Not Autarky
Technological Sovereignty as Ability, Not Autarky
Working Paper
Christoph March, Ina Schieferdecker
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9139
Does Tax Policy Work When Consumers Have Imperfect Price Information? Theory and Evidence
Does Tax Policy Work When Consumers Have Imperfect Price Information? Theory and Evidence
Working Paper
Felix Montag, Alina Sagimuldina, Monika Schnitzer
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9138
The Effect of Mergers on Variety in Grocery Retailing
The Effect of Mergers on Variety in Grocery Retailing
Working Paper
Elena Argentesi, Paolo Buccirossi, Roberto Cervone, Tomaso Duso, Alessia Marrazzo
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9137
Investment in OECD Countries: A Primer
Investment in OECD Countries: A Primer
Working Paper
Balazs Egert
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9136
Nineteenth Century Body Mass, Height, and Weight: Inequality across Quantiles
Nineteenth Century Body Mass, Height, and Weight: Inequality across Quantiles
Working Paper
Scott A. Carson
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9135
The Rise of For-Profit Higher Education: A General Equilibrium Analysis
The Rise of For-Profit Higher Education: A General Equilibrium Analysis
Working Paper
Ciprian Domnisoru, Ioana Cosmina Schiopu
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9134
Gender Wage and Longevity Gaps and the Design of Retirement Systems
Gender Wage and Longevity Gaps and the Design of Retirement Systems
Working Paper
Francesca Barigozzi, Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9133
Nonlinear Taxation and International Mobility in General Equilibrium
Nonlinear Taxation and International Mobility in General Equilibrium
Working Paper
Eckhard Janeba, Karl Schulz
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9132
Financial Policymaking after Crises: Public vs. Private Interests
Financial Policymaking after Crises: Public vs. Private Interests
Working Paper
Orkun Saka, Yuemei Ji, Paul De Grauwe
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9131
The Power of Markets: Impact of Desert Locust Invasions on Child Health
The Power of Markets: Impact of Desert Locust Invasions on Child Health
Working Paper
Bruno Conte, Lavinia Piemontese, Augustin Tapsola
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9130
Bargaining With Charitable Promises: True Preferences and Strategic Behavior
Bargaining With Charitable Promises: True Preferences and Strategic Behavior
Working Paper
Andreas Lange, Claudia Schwirplies
CESifo, Munich, 2021
CESifo Working Paper No. 9129

Susanne Diongue-Wormslev

CESifo Working Paper Coordinator & Administrative Staff, Center for Economic Studies (CES)
+49 (0)89/2180-17845
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