CESifo Working Papers

CESifo working papers are available worldwide through this website, SSRN, RePEc, and EconStor. All papers can be downloaded free of charge.

11163 hits:
A Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Lead Exposure Reduces Academic Achievement
A Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Lead Exposure Reduces Academic Achievement
Working Paper
Alex Hollingsworth, Mike Huang, Ivan Rudik, Nicholas J. Sanders
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9674
The Demand for News: Accuracy Concerns Versus Belief Confirmation Motives
The Demand for News: Accuracy Concerns Versus Belief Confirmation Motives
Working Paper
Felix Chopra, Ingar K. Haaland, Christopher Roth
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9673
Finance, Trade, Man and Machines: A New-Ricardian Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model
Finance, Trade, Man and Machines: A New-Ricardian Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model
Working Paper
Sugata Marjit, Gouranga Gopal Das
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9672
Taxing the Gender Gap: Labor Market Effects of a Payroll Tax Cut for Women in Italy
Taxing the Gender Gap: Labor Market Effects of a Payroll Tax Cut for Women in Italy
Working Paper
Enrico Rubolino
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9671
Can Moral Reminders Curb Corruption? Evidence from an Online Classroom Experiment
Can Moral Reminders Curb Corruption? Evidence from an Online Classroom Experiment
Working Paper
Corinna Claus, Ekkehard A. Köhler, Tim Krieger
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9670
The 2020 US Presidential Election and Trump's Trade War
The 2020 US Presidential Election and Trump's Trade War
Working Paper
James Lake, Jun Nie
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9669
The Impact of Covid-19 on Community College Enrollment and Student Success: Evidence from California Administrative Data
The Impact of Covid-19 on Community College Enrollment and Student Success: Evidence from California Administrative Data
Working Paper
George Bulman, Robert W. Fairlie
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9668
The Shadow of the Neolithic Revolution on Life Expectancy: A Double-Edged Sword
The Shadow of the Neolithic Revolution on Life Expectancy: A Double-Edged Sword
Working Paper
Raphaël Franck, Oded Galor, Omer Moav, Ömer Özak
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9667
Beyond the Business Climate: Regular and Supplementary Questions in the ifo Business Survey
Beyond the Business Climate: Regular and Supplementary Questions in the ifo Business Survey
Working Paper
Katrin Demmelhuber, Stefan Sauer, Klaus Wohlrabe
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9666
Housing Market Expectations
Housing Market Expectations
Working Paper
Theresa Kuchler, Monika Piazzesi, Johannes Stroebel
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9665
Who Increases Emergency Department Use? New Insights from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Who Increases Emergency Department Use? New Insights from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Working Paper
Augustine Denteh, Helge Liebert
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9664
The (Non-)Neutrality of Value-Added Taxation
The (Non-)Neutrality of Value-Added Taxation
Working Paper
Georg Schneider, Frank Stähler, Georg U. Thunecke
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9663
How Money Relates to Value? An Empirical Examination on Gold, Silver and Bitcoin
How Money Relates to Value? An Empirical Examination on Gold, Silver and Bitcoin
Working Paper
José Alves, João Quental Gonçalves
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9662
Active Learning Improves Financial Education: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
Active Learning Improves Financial Education: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
Working Paper
Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9661
Competition for Promotion Can Induce Household Specialization between Equally Competitive Spouses
Competition for Promotion Can Induce Household Specialization between Equally Competitive Spouses
Working Paper
Spencer Bastani, Lisa Dickmanns, Thomas Giebe, Oliver Gürtler
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9660
The Effect of Brexit on British Workers Living in the EU
The Effect of Brexit on British Workers Living in the EU
Working Paper
Ana Venâncio, João Pereira dos Santos
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9659
Explaining Vaccine Hesitancy: A Covid-19 Study of the United States
Explaining Vaccine Hesitancy: A Covid-19 Study of the United States
Working Paper
Rajeev K. Goel, James W. Saunoris
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9658
Which Households Respond to Electricity Peak Pricing Amid High Levels of Electrification?
Which Households Respond to Electricity Peak Pricing Amid High Levels of Electrification?
Working Paper
Cloé Garnache, Øystein Hernæs, Anders Gravir Imenes
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9657
Relative Price Changes of Ecosystem Services: Evidence from Germany
Relative Price Changes of Ecosystem Services: Evidence from Germany
Working Paper
Jonas Heckenhahn, Moritz A. Drupp
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9656
The Gender Recontest Gap in Elections
The Gender Recontest Gap in Elections
Working Paper
Thushyanthan Baskaran, Zohal Hessami
CESifo, Munich, 2022
CESifo Working Paper No. 9655

Susanne Diongue-Wormslev

CESifo Working Paper Coordinator & Administrative Staff, Center for Economic Studies (CES)
+49 (0)89/2180-17845
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