Working Paper

Prices, Schedules, and Passenger Welfare in Multi-Service Transportation Systems

Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Annalisa Vinella
CESifo, Munich, 2019

CESifo Working Paper No. 7843

We consider a multi-service transportation system in which passengers are heterogeneous along two dimensions, namely ideal departure time and value of time, leading to both horizontal and vertical differentiation. We investigate the behavior of passengers, and assess how service pricing and scheduling affect their travel choices and welfare. We show that this depends, first, on whether passengers are uninformed or informed about the timetable of services, supplied at different prices, upon arrival at the station. Besides, given the information passengers hold, it also depends on their (individual-specific) value of time. The market segmentation results accordingly, and is found to be finer, in general, when passengers are informed. Our analysis offers policy-makers a scientifically founded tool to make sensible decisions, based on the exact identification of those who would gain and those who would lose from policy changes. The analysis further highlights the potential benefits of information, and points to the importance of facilitating information accessibility to passengers.

CESifo Category
Industrial Organisation
Empirical and Theoretical Methods
Keywords: travel demand, service scheduling, market segmentation, targeted policy-making, impact of information
JEL Classification: D010, L910, L980