Working Paper

Global Business Cycles and Credit Risk

M. Hashem Pesaran, Til Schuermann, Björn-Jakob Treutler
CESifo, Munich, 2005

CESifo Working Paper No. 1548

The potential for portfolio diversification is driven broadly by two characteristics: the degree to which systematic risk factors are correlated with each other and the degree of dependence individual firms have to the different types of risk factors. Using a global vector autoregressive macroeconometric model accounting for about 80% of world output, we propose a model for exploring credit risk diversification across industry sectors and across different countries or regions. We find that full firm-level parameter heterogeneity along with credit rating information matters a great deal for capturing differences in simulated credit loss distributions. Imposing homogeneity results in overly skewed and fat-tailed loss distributions. These differences become more pronounced in the presence of systematic risk factor shocks: increased parameter heterogeneity reduces shock sensitivity. Allowing for regional parameter heterogeneity seems to better approximate the loss distributions generated by the fully heterogeneous model than allowing just for industry heterogeneity. The regional model also exhibits less shock sensitivity.

CESifo Category
Empirical and Theoretical Methods
Keywords: risk management, default dependence, economic interlinkages, portfolio choice
JEL Classification: C320, E170, G200

 The Risks of Financial Institutions, NBER Conference Report Volume, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2006) pp. 419-473.