Working Paper

Urban Pollution: A Global Perspective

Rainald Borck, Philipp Schrauth
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 10171

We use worldwide satellite data to analyse how population size and density affect urban pollution. We find that density significantly increases pollution exposure. Looking only at urban areas, we find that population size affects exposure more than density. Moreover, the effect is driven mostly by population commuting to core cities rather than the core city population itself. We analyse heterogeneity by geography and income levels. By and large, the influence of population on pol-lution is greatest in Asia and middle-income countries. A counterfactual simulation shows that PM2.5 exposure would fall by up to 36% and NO2 exposure up to 53% if within countries population size were equalized across all cities.

CESifo Category
Resources and Environment
Keywords: population density, air pollution, gridded data
JEL Classification: Q530, R120