Working Paper

Online Versus Offline: Which Networks Spur Protests?

Niklas Potrafke, Felix Roesel
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 9969

Does social media or offline social cohesion overcome collective action problems more effectively when both types of networks are prevalent? We investigate non-violent protests against a place-based economic reform in Austria—a country where one in two citizens uses Facebook but also one in two citizens is a member of a local club or civic organization. Our results show that protests spread more in places with strong offline networks as measured by real-life networks like village, folklore, or dialect clubs. We do not find that social media penetration intensifies local protests, a finding corroborated by microdata.

CESifo Category
Public Finance
Public Choice
Keywords: online and offline networks, social media, social cohesion, civic organizations, social capital, protest, economic reform, populism
JEL Classification: D710, D720, Z200