Working Paper

Lost in America: Evidence on Local Sales Taxes from National Panel Data

David Agrawal
CESifo, Munich, 2014

CESifo Working Paper No. 4943

This paper studies comprehensive national panel data of local option sales taxes at the monthly frequency. I calculate state-by-month population weighted averages of local sales tax rates. I document ten stylized facts concerning the time series patterns and spatial dynamics of local sales taxes. The paper then considers a “tax system” approach to tax competition where states compete on a variety of margins that are often ignored by the standard focus on tax rates. Using the state-by-month averages, I find a significant association between one state’s tax system and its neighboring states’ tax systems.

CESifo Category
Public Finance
Public Choice
Keywords: commodity taxation, local public finance, fiscal federalism, spatial tax competition, tax systems, municipal autonomy
JEL Classification: H200, H710, H770, K340, L810, R100, R500