Working Paper

Labor Unions, Globalization, and Mercantilism

Wolf-Heimo Grieben, Fuat Sener
CESifo, Munich, 2009

CESifo Working Paper No. 2889

We analyze the growth and welfare effects of globalization in a dynamic Schumpeterian North-South product-cycle model. Economic growth is driven by R&D activities of Northern entrepreneurs. Top Northern production technologies are imitated by the South. In the North, there is wage bargaining between a labor union and firms, and a minimum wage rate exists. Unilateral Northern trade liberalization reduces the rate of innovation, increases Northern unemployment, and reduces both Northern and Southern per-capita welfare. The effects are reversed in the case of unilateral Southern trade liberalization. Hence, wage bargaining above a given minimum wage promotes mercantilist behavior of developed countries.

CESifo Category
Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Growth
Keywords: globalization, product cycle, endogenous growth, labor unions, minimum wage, mercantilism
JEL Classification: F120,F430,J510,O310,O320