Working Paper

Experiments and Simulations on Day-to-Day Route Choice-Behaviour

Reinhard Selten, M. Schreckenberg, Thomas Pitz, T. Chmura, S. Kube
CESifo, Munich, 2003

CESifo Working Paper No. 900

The paper reports laboratory experiments on a day-to-day route choice game with two routes. Subjects had to choose between a main road M and a side road S. The capacity was greater for the main road. 18 subjects participated in each session. In equilibrium the number of subjects is 12 on M and 6 on S.
Two treatments with 6 sessions each were run at the Laboratory of Experimental Economics at Bonn University using RatImage. Feedback was given in treatment I only about own travel time and in treatment II on travel time for M and S. Money payoffs increase with decreasing time. The main results are as follows.
1. Mean numbers on M and S are very near to the equilibrium.
2. Fluctuations persist until the end of the sessions in both treatments.
3. Fluctuations are smaller under treatment II .The effect is small but significant.
4. The total number of changes is significantly greater in treatment I.
5. Subjects’ road changes and payoffs are negatively correlated in all sessions.
6. A direct response mode reacts with more changes for bad payoffs whereas a contrary response mode shows opposite reactions. Both response modes can be observed.
7. The simulation of an extended payoff sum learning model closely fits the main results of the statistical evaluation of the data.

Keywords: travel behaviour research, information in intelligent transportation systems, day-to-day route choice, laboratory experiments, payoff sum model