Working Paper

Unemployment and the Direction of Technical Change

Gregory Casey
CESifo, Munich, 2024

CESifo Working Paper No. 11214

I construct and analyze a growth model in which technical change can increase unemployment. I first analyze the forces that deliver a constant steady state unemployment rate in this setting. Labor-saving technical change increases unemployment, which lowers wages and creates incentives for future investment in labor-using technologies. In the long run, this interaction generates a balanced growth path that is observationally equivalent to that of the standard neoclassical growth model, except that it also incorporates a positive steady state level of unemployment and a falling relative price of investment. I also study the effects of a permanent increase in the ability of R&D to improve labor-saving technologies. In the long run, this change leads to faster growth in output per worker and wages, but it also yields higher unemployment and a lower labor share of income. In the short run, this change exacerbates existing inefficiencies and slows economic growth.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Growth
Keywords: growth, unemployment, directed technical change
JEL Classification: E240, O330, O400