Working Paper

Capital Market Institutions and Venture Capital: Do They Affect Unemployment and Labour Demand?

Rainer Fehn, Thomas Fuchs
CESifo, Munich, 2003

CESifo Working Paper No. 898

This paper analyses the influence of the capital market on the labour market. Especially the impact of start-up financing on the structure of unemployment is of interest. We use a cross-country panel data analysis to examine how venture capital investment influences disaggre-gate unemployment. As we expected, venture capital investment has different influences on sectoral-, educational- and occupational-specific unemployment. We suggest, on the basis of the regression results that venture capital investment is a catalyst of structural change and has contributed to the faster growing internet and new economy sector in countries like the U.S. that have a well-developed venture capital market.

Keywords: Labor markets, venture capital, employment, new economy, panel analysis