EconPol Forum

EconPol Forum (formerly CESifo Forum) is a bi-monthly English-language journal to bring economic analysis on topics of worldwide interest along with policy advice to a broad range of policymakers and the public.

In September 2022 the CESifo Forum was restructured into four sections under the new EconPol brand. The first, Policy Debate of the Hour, recognizes the constantly evolving nature of policy challenges, focusing on the most pressing issues of the times. Leading researchers are invited to share their insights and policy conclusions. The Economic Policy and its Impact section assesses economic policies and develops robust evidence for their optimal design and implementation. In the Institutions Across the World section, contributors focus on the key role that institutional design plays in shaping socio-economic outcomes, often by comparing institutions across economic and political systems. Finally, Big Data-Based Economic Insights presents articles that glean economic policy advice from the exploitation of large, complex datasets.


Cover EconPol Forum

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EconPol Forum
24. Jul. 2024 09:00
26. Sep. 2024 09:00
21. Nov. 2024 09:00

  • EconPol Forum Alert
    • The EconPol Forum Newsletter provides bi-monthly information in English on the latest issue of the EconPol Forum.

      EconPol Forum is a bi-monthly English-language journal focusing on current economic topics of world-wide interest and information from the ifo Institute.


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EconPol Forum

ISSN 2752-1176 (Druckversion) 
ISSN 2752-1184 (elektronische Version) 

Eine zweimonatig erscheinende, englischsprachige Zeitschrift zu europäischen Wirtschaftsfragen.

Herausgeber und Vertrieb: ifo Institut, Poschingerstraße 5, 81679 München, Telefon +49(89)9224-0, Telefax +49(89)985369. 

Redaktion: Yvonne Giesing, Christa Hainz, Chang Woon Nam. 

Bezugspreis jährlich: 50,00 EUR, 

Preis des Einzelheftes: 15,00 EUR, 
jeweils zuzüglich Versandkosten. 

Nachdruck und sonstige Verbreitung (auch auszugsweise): Nur mit Quellenangabe und gegen Einsendung eines Belegexemplars. Kommerzielle Verwertung der Daten, auch über elektronische Medien, nur mit Genehmigung des ifo Instituts.